Press Releases from Savera

Savera Statement on Immigration: MAGA-Hindutva Connection Endangers All Immigrants
Hindu supremacists welcomed Trump, but his attacks on immigrants have made all Indian and South Asian American communities unsafe. Savera stands with all immigrants and calls for a united front against anti-immigrant racism.

New Report Exposes Hindu American Foundation’s Ties to the Far-Right
The report, jointly published by Political Research Associates (PRA) and the Savera coalition, sheds light on how the Hindu American Foundation has deployed the language of civil rights and minority representation to sanitize its far-right political agenda and its ongoing associations with Hindu supremacists and other far-right actors.

Exposed: Ties Between VHP-A and Violent Militant Groups in India
BREAKING: New expose by Savera comprehensively refutes claims by the VHP-A that they are “distinct, legally separate and operationally independent” of the VHP in India, and argued that “the entire Global VHP, including its US wing, must be held accountable for its violent and supremacist actions worldwide.”

100+ Organizations Stand Against Hindu Supremacy
BREAKING: over 100 civil society groups have signed onto a declaration expressing “acute concern about the alarming rise of Hindu supremacy, also known as Hindutva or Hindu nationalism, in the United States.”

Press Release: Savera Launches Report on VHP-A
February 2, 2024 – To mark the launch of a new campaign against supremacist politics, a coalition of civil rights groups called Savera: United Against Supremacy has launched a new report, titled “The Global VHP’s Trail of Violence.”